新产品! 防锈气泡袋


Flexible, adhesive-top bubble bags that protect metal parts from physical damage and corrosion are new from Daubert China, the global manufacturer of VCI packaging for industry.

Premium Metal-Guard?VCI bubble bags provide cushioning and corrosion protection for highly polished, precision machined parts in storage and during transit. Bags are best for heavy metal parts and delicate components that are susceptible to damage due to vibration during shipment.? Optional peel-and-seal closure makes bags easy to use, up to 3 times faster than hand-wrapping.

Standard VCI bags are 2-layer, bubble-out construction, allowing parts to slide in easily. The corrosion inhibitor film is safe to handle, odorless, and does not affect processing or soldering. ?Ideal for packaging computer equipment, electronics, and heavy components with machined surfaces that need individual wrapping to prevent marring and scuffing.

  • Air bubbles on the outside of the bag cushion the part from movement, abrasion, and rubbing against other parts in the shipping container or box.
  • Resists tears and punctures.
  • Lip and tape closure eliminates need for tape or staples.
  • Reduces labor costs and packaging time.

For more information about VCI bubble bags or any of Daubert China’s VCI films, papers, foam, emitters, rust preventive liquids and rust removers, contact info@daubertchina.com.cn or call +86-21-3126-3570.





我们的技术专家提供以行业为中心的有价值专业知识 – 从军事和航空航天汽车行业重型设备金属加工出口。我们免费的全球商业计划可以帮助您找出问题所在,使您的金属零部件到达目的地时能够保持清洁和无锈,并可随时使用。

浏览我们的网站了解更多有关我们 VCI 防腐包装如何保护您的金属产品并降低您的腐蚀成本的信息。

用 Daubert Cromwell VCI 在每个季节保护您的贵重零部件和设备。



作者:Karen Clements 我们的产品 / 选择正确的 VCI

正确选用 VCI

VCI 有以下保护功能:
  • 哪些金属需要保护。
  • 所使用的缓蚀化学品及其对金属的有效性。
  • 配方中化学品的比例。
  • 防锈纸或防锈膜中挥发性缓蚀剂的含量。
  • 成品的 pH 值。
  • 水溶性和缓蚀剂在潮湿和/或高湿度下的有效性。
  • 用作 VCI 载体的天然中性牛皮纸或聚乙烯防锈膜。
  • 整体包装设计和包装、装运和储存期间的预期条件。

并非所有的 VCI 都一样,而且一种在某些条件下有效的 VCI 配方经常有在其他条件下却无效。在选择正确的包装介质和 VCI 防锈产品前须考虑到加工制程、金属材料、包装、储存、运输条件等。

Daubert Cromwell 有完整的产品线可提供不同需求的防锈设计包装方案来解决生锈问题。要了解有关使用 Daubert Cromwell 产品包装您产品的更多信息,请查看我们的包装设计标准文件。